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Belize Independence Day: Independent, Strong and Free - Belize fi all ah We!

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Belize Independence Day 
Independent, Strong and Free - Belize fi all ah We!

September 21, 2013 marked 32 years of independence for the tiny country of Belize.  This small nation of approximately 250,000 people is Central America’s newest country, making a seamless transition from British colony to Sovereign State in 1981.

Belize’s first step towards independence began on September 10, 1798 at the Battle of St. George’s Caye. This victory for Belize allowed Belizeans to claim 8,866 square miles of land, sea and rivers from the Rio Hondo to the Sarstoon River.  In 1898, 100 years later, a brave black man named Simon Lamb took up the struggle for independence. In May 1914, Simon Lamb passed away. In the year 1950, the march for Belize independence continued under the leadership of the Honorable George Cadle Price, the Honorable Philip Goldson, the Honorable Leigh Richardson, and others. The long-awaited independence was finally attained on September 21, 1981.

September is a festive time of year in Belize as young and old alike gather throughout the country (and worldwide) to celebrate their history, their culture, their people and their nation. It has been tradition in Belize that the Celebrations start in early September leading up to the first national holiday on St. George's Caye Day (September 10th) and continuing into Independence Day (September 25) – a time of festivity, parade and carnival that lasts close to three weeks!

Happy Independence Day Belize!


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