Belize - No Ordinary Destination
Within reach - a still unspoiled wild destination, brimming with life and diversity. Chock-a-block full of national parks, marine reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, Belize had embraced green initiatives and habitat protection efforts long before Eco became a buzz word.
And It’s Our Playground
The 165 mile Belize Barrier Reef System, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the longest barrier reef in the Western hemisphere. It enfolds seven marine protected areas and three coral atolls under its umbrella. Hundreds of tiny cayes (“keys”, as Belizeans call their islands) and miles of beaches and hidden coves offer world-class snorkeling diving and fishing.
And it’s all within reach. Within a matter of hours you can travel Inland to the largest remaining tracts of undisturbed rainforest in all of Central America are a treasure-house of tropical biodiversity. Our experience is enriched by the Mayan people who have lived in this land for thousands of years.

Cross Cultures Easily
The only English speaking nation in Central America, Belize nestles between Mexico and Guatemala, and its 350,000 residents are a super friendly and dynamic blend of Creole, Garifuna, Mestizo, Maya, Mennonites, and Europeans.
Exotic music, ethnically diverse food, colorful influences, and a cool vibe don’t get lost in translation, but a shared common language fast-tracks deeper exchange, making every interaction richer.
Time travel is possible
Belize was once the heart of the Mayan civilization. The region is thought to have been one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world of 250 AD. We can trace this ancient civilization through Belize’s more than 600 archaeological sites - living museums of a disappeared civilization.
Experience a new frontier of Mayan archaeology in the caves of Belize. Archaeologists venturing into elaborate cave systems are discovering stunning cathedral-like underground ceremonial centers which are helping to unravel the meaning behind sacred rituals and sacrifices. These sites are remarkably preserved and are like living museums with hand painted pottery, stone tools and carved alters that are thousands of years old.
The Belize Dollar has a fixed rate of $2BZ = $1US. US currency and travelers checks in US currency are widely accepted. Credit cards can be used in most tourist facilities. ATMs are becoming more common in Belize but should not be part of your planned travel budget as they may be problematic to access during your trip. However, the machines are now connected to North American systems and can be used in an emergency.
The current is the same as Canada and the US (110V AC) and the same plug is used. No adapters are required.
Valid Passports are required for entry into Belize.
Also, please note the Government of Belize does require your passport to be valid for more than three months after your arrival. For questions regarding entry requirements, or people from other nationalities, please contact our office (1-800-667-1630) or the nearest Belize Embassy.
For up to date information on entry requirements into Belize, please also double check the Belize Tourism Board's website.
Sales Tax
Belize does have a General Sales Tax (GST) which currently adds 12.5% on top of most goods and services within Belize.
Hotel Tax
Belize has a Hotel Tax, which is 9% on top of the cost of most hotel nights in the country. It is fairly customary to see a 5-10% service charge as well.
Departure Tax
By Air (Most of the Airlines now include these fees in their ticket price)
All passengers are required to pay an international departure tax of $39.25 US. Most of the airlines now include these fees in their ticket price - please review your airline fare breakdown for more information. This departure tax is broken down into the following components:
International Passengers - On Departure - via Phillip Goldson International Airport (PGIA)
Passenger Service Fee:$15.00
Airport Development Fee: $18.00
Hold Bags: $1.25
Security Fee $1.25
Conservation Fee: $3.75
Total Airport Departure Fees: $39.25 USD - normally included in your flight ticket already - please review your fare breakdown for more information.
Domestic Flights
User Fee: $2.50US at all airports
By Land
International Passengers
On Departure:
Northern Border, Western Border and Southern Border
Intransit Passengers only - Border Processing Fee - $15.00
Overnight Passengers - Border Processing Fee $15.00 + Conservation Fee $3.75;
Total Fee: $18.75 USD
Guatemalan and Mexican passengers:
Less than 24hrs. - NO FEE; more than 24hrs.: $3.75 USD
Mexicans staying more than 72hrs. $18.75 USD
For more information contact the Border Management Authority
By Sea
International Passengers
On Arrival From Punta Gorda, Dangriga or San Pedro
Belize Port Authority
On Departure via Punta Gorda, Dangriga or San Pedro
Conservation Fee $3.75 USD
Domestic Air Passenger (flying within Belize)
International Airport (PGIA) to Municipal Airports
Security Fee $0.75 USD
Please check with local authorities for upto date information.
Belize is located within the Central Time Zone and does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
Generally the water is drinkable right from the taps in most large towns, lodges, and hotels. Many Belizeans and travelers also choose to drink bottled water which is available in most shops. Safe drinking water is provided throughout your Island Expeditions' tour. In the field, we use Pristine water treatment to make water potable or use large 5 gallon jugs of purified water which can be decanted into your personal water bottle.
Taxis are identifiable by their green license plates in Belize. They are non-metered and fares are standard. Taxis from the Belize International Airport are a standard rate and the rate is posted upon exiting the customs area. Be sure to negotiate the price before starting your journey.
There are no endemic diseases. No inoculations are required for entry, however we do strongly recommend you consider a Havrix injection for Hepatitis A (or Twinrix for both Hep A & B), anti-malaria tablets (if traveling into the rainforest), and an up-to-date tetanus shot. Contact your doctor or travel clinic prior to traveling to Belize.