Help Make the World a Better Place
We’ve grown roots during our 30 years here in Belize. The communities we engage with have inspired us to focus our energies to help the people of Belize.
Our endeavours are not grand charities, but rather numerous initiatives that make a difference in the communities you visit. Finding ways to spread tourism dollars into smaller communities that may not normally see travelers is an important part of the mission.
A number of our trips are operated in partnership with the Belize Audubon Society and the Belize Zoo. When we partner with local conservation organizations everyone benefits; you get special access to the most amazing places in Belize and you also get to hang out with scientists, artists and community leaders.
To learn more, scroll down and check out the range of projects you support when travelling with Island Expeditions.

For over 40 years the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) has served Belize as environmental conscience and today is involved in all aspects of nature conservation and education in the country. When you visit protected areas in Belize you're likely to be greeted by friendly BAS park wardens. They are responsible for managing the nation's best known attractions, including the world renowned Cockscomb Jaguar Reserve, Blue Hole National Park and Half Moon Cay. Our trips to the incredible Lighthouse Reef Marine Reserve are operated in partnership with the BAS and funds the annual budget of the ranger station located on this remote atoll.
The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center
For 30 years the Belize zoo has provided a home to orphaned and injured animals native to Belize and today the zoo is home to all five species of wild cats, Baird's tapir, howler monkey, crocodile, king vultures, jabiru stork and all sorts of other strange and wonderful mammals, reptiles and birds.
Early in the process of establishing the zoo, the founders came to realize that many Belizeans were unaware of the diversity of wildlife in their own land. From this recognition grew a commitment to provide Belizeans with the opportunity to experience first-hand the magnificent diversity of their small country. In 2017 over 10,000 Belizean school children and 600 teachers visited the zoo as part of education programs to learn of the wildlife of Belize.
Supporting Local Schools
Island Expedition’s Programs are aimed to provide grassroots assistance in the regions we travel. Belize has an excellent school system with extraordinarily dedicated teachers, but the reality is many families, especially in more remote communities cannot afford to provide their children with basic school supplies.
Holy Ghost Elementary School
Holy Ghost Elementary has 450 students ranging in age from three to fourteen years. Our Dangriga office is within walking distance and many of our local staff send their children here. We're thrilled to be able to support this school which has played such an important role in the daily lives of our staff and their families.
Silk Grass Primary School
This tiny, friendly hamlet is a blend of several Belizean ethnicities. It's a peaceful, quiet village in a rural agricultural setting. Many of the villagers have tourism jobs in Hopkins, Bocawina or Dangriga.
Santa Theresa Community School
Santa Teresa Village is situated in the heart of the Maya Homeland of southern Belize. We work with local Mayan guides to run trips in this remote area of Belize. Backpacks for school, shoes, cleats, soccer balls, pens, pencils, exercise and reading books are practical items we provide for the school children.
We are excited to support Panthera’s work in Belize based from our jungle lodge in the Mayflower Bocawina National Park. Panthera is a highly effective organization dedicated to the worldwide conservation of wild cats and operate programs in over 40 countries around the world. At Bocawina having remote wildcams in the rainforests surrounding the lodge has opened our eyes to the extraordinary abundance of wild cats and their prey which live in such close proximity to the lodge. In our support for Panthera we provide lodging and meals and remote camera batteries for the researchers conducting studies at Bocawina.