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Belize Carnival

Belize: September the Month of Celebration

Belize: September the Month of Celebration

Belize Carnival

September is a month filled with holidays and celebrations in Belize.  Festivities commemorate the Battle of St George Caye on September 10 and Independence Day on September 21.  The people of Belize celebrate this month carnival style with parades, vibrant costumes, dancing, music and jam-packed revelry! 

It is a tradition in Belize that the celebrations start in early September leading up to the first national holiday on St. George's Caye Day and continuing into Independence Day - a time that lasts close to three weeks! September is a wonderful month to visit and immerse into Belizean culture.

Belize Carnival
Carnival 2019 Belize City: Pc: Jose A. Sanchez


Battle of St. George Caye on September 10

Each year on this day Belize celebrates St. Georges Caye Day, the day that a heroic crew of British settlers, buccaneers and slaves defeated the Spaniards from occupying the territory of Belize. The 10th of September is celebrated as a Public and Bank Holiday in Belize, with many activities planned all over the country to commemorate this historical event.

Check out this video of the 2019 St George's Caye Day Ceremony:

Belize Independence Day on September 21

On September 21, 1981, Belize, the only British colony in Central America, became an independent nation. On this day each year, Belizean's gather throughout the country (and worldwide) to celebrate their independence, history, culture, people and their beautiful nation. 

Belize Carnival
Carnival 2019 Belize City: Pc: Jose A. Sanchez

Watch this amazing parade in commemoration of Belize's 37th Independence Day in San Pedro-  one of the most energetic and colourful parades!

Ready to start planning your Belize trip?

For more information on Belize and our trips please call 1.800.667.1630 or email info@islandexpeditions.com 


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