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Belize Covid Travel Insurance

Belize Traveller Insurance - Starting Feb. 15, 2022

New Covid Related Insurance - Required for all travellers

Belize Traveller Insurance - Starting Feb. 15, 2022

New Covid Related Insurance - Required for all travellers

Belize Travel Insurance

Starting February 15, 2022 the Belize Government has manadated that all foreign travellers arriving into Belize must purchase a travel insurance policy for any covid related expenses.  The cost for this policy is $18 USD per traveller (including adults & children), and can be purchased in advance of travel.  

This policy is in addition to your normal travel medical insurance, and should be considered only for Covid related costs in Belize relating to arriving to Belize, feeling symptoms or testing positive upon departure.

This policy will cover each travellers for the following:

  • The Belize Travel Insurance policy covers visitors for medical emergencies up to the Maximum policy limit of US $50,000.00 for the low cost of US $18 for a period of 21 Days.  You may purchase an extented policy, if your intended stay is longer than 21 days.
  • It will also cover the cost of emergency treatment, diagnostic services, outpatient care, medical equipment, hospital stay, in-hospital miscellaneous charges, emergency room, emergency surgery, emergency transportation by local ambulance, prescription drugs all at 100% of eligible expenses, up to the policy limit.
  • The lodging expenses due to Sanitary Isolation because of the Pandemic (Covid 19) up to US$2,000.00 (Max US $300.00 per day).
  • This policy will also cover Reimbursement of Hotel Expenses due to inability to travel. It covers some pre-paid lodging expenses if insured is unable to travel to Belize due to: Sickness, injury, or death of the insured or a family member once legitimate proof is provided.

* To be eligible for this benefit, the insured must have purchased this policy before the date of trip/arrival to Belize. Coverage will only reimburse hotel fees that are not refunded by the hotel. It does not cover fees paid to private rental properties (for example Airbnb).

The maximum amount reimbursable under this benefit is US $3,000 per person.

  • This policy will also provide cover for Emergency Assistance Services which include, Emergency air evacuation and transportation of a close relative up to a combined maximum of US $20,000.00, and repatriation of mortal remains up to US$5,000.00 and also covers for Emergency expenses related to pre-existing conditions up to a combined maximum limit of US$25,000.00

The following people are not required to purchase this insurance policy: Qualified Retired Persons (QRP), Belizeans & permanent residents, diplomats, long-stay non-nationals, military personnel, Peace Corps, airline crew and persons in Belize for less than 24 hours.

This policy can also be purchased upon arrival at the Philip Goldson International Airport, Santa Elena Border (Northern Border) or the Belize Western Border.

To purchase this insurance online, visit https://www.belizetravelinsurance.com.  

For the most upto date information on entry requirements to Belize, visit https://www.travelbelize.org/health-safety/

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