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Belize Vacation Guide - Belize Weather for Vacation Planning

When preparing to travel it's always a good idea to have an understanding of the type of climate and weather you will be experiencing.  By having such information, you will know what type of clothing to pack and will thus be better prepared and more comfortable during your trip.  Located to the south of Mexico and to the east of Guatemala, Belize has a subtropical climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons.  Temperatures and weather patterns vary by geographical region and elevation.  The country's average annual rainfall also varies by region with, for example, an average of approximately 1350 millimeters in the north and an average of more than 4500 millimeters in the south.  That said, however, it is possible to provide a general picture of the types of weather conditions to expect in Belize at different times of the year. sea kayaking in belizeTo begin with, Belize's rainy season runs from the middle of May until November.  The same is true for the hurricane season.  The dry season runs from January to April and the coolest month of the year is typically January while the warmest month of the year is May.  January is one of the most popular months of the year for travelers to visit Belize as the weather is not too dry and also not too wet.  Average January temperatures in Belize range from a low of 70°F or 21°C to a high of 80°F or 27°C. February and March are also very pleasant months for traveling in Belize as the days tend to be quite mild and the nights cool.  Also, as these months fall in the midst of the dry season, their days are typically uninterrupted by rain.  In May, the hottest month of the year, temperatures rise to an average high of 87°F or 31°C and an average low of 79°F or 26°C.  While the hurricane season runs the length of the rainy season, the most active months for hurricanes are September, October and November.  During those months it's important to keep an eye on the weather situation so you will be aware of any dangerous conditions before they arrive. Although the Belize climate is humid, with a mean annual humidity of 83%, it is generally not oppressively so.  Furthermore, in coastal regions the humidity is moderated by the cooling effect of the northeast trade winds blowing in from the Caribbean Sea.  While most inland regions of Belize will experience higher temperatures than the coastal regions, the exception is the southern highland plateaus.  This region, which includes the Mountain Pine Ridge, experiences noticeably cooler temperatures throughout the year. While the above seasonal and regional conditions may not hold completely true for every year, they do provide a general picture of what travelers can typically expect.  For the most accurate information and to ensure that you are fully prepared for your trip, always check the weather forecast before planning and leaving on your vacation so that you can enjoy your Belize experience to the fullest.

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