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Belize Vacation Planning: Multigenerational Travel Tips

Belize Vacation Planning: Multigenerational Travel Tips

Kayaking Belize

Many of our past guests would agree that some of the best family memories are formed from multigenerational vacations, shared with grandparents, siblings, children and extended family.  

Belize offers the perfect destination to bring generations together through shared time exploring Mayan ruins, tropical rainforests and the Belize Barrier Reef and Cayes.

Here are 5 Multigenerational Vacation Travel Tips:

1. Engage the Family Together in the Trip Planning 

Early in the trip planning process, ask for input from all generations and take into consideration what everyone needs and wants out of a trip.

2. Find the Right Accommodation - Stay in the Same Place

Our Adventure Basecamp trips on Glover's Reef and Lighthouse Reef are family favourites.  At both Basecamps accommodation is provided in safari-style tent cabanas overlooking the Caribbean Sea. All meals are included and families will dine together in our open-air pavilion.  

Inland, stay at one of Belize's rainforest lodges such as the beautiful Bocawina Rainforest Resort where families can experience hiking, birding, ziplining, waterfall rappelling and swimming in the natural pools.

Lighthouse Reef Basecamp

3. Take A Break From Routine and Daily Chores

On our Belize trips, nobody gets stuck doing dishes every night. We have an all-inclusive Belize adventure vacation concept - leave the menus, meals and activity planning to us, so you can spend more time connecting with family.

Lunch at Glover’s Reef Basecamp

4. Plan To Do A Lot or Nothing

Having a selection of activities, with the option of doing nothing at all, is one of the best tips for multigenerational travel. Have fun together snorkeling, kayaking, fishing and Stand Up Paddleboarding, but sometimes overworked parents simply want to relax in a hammock with a good book. This is all possible on our Belize trips! 

Both Glover's Reef and Lighthouse Reef Basecamps offer a flexible trip experience, so activities can be enjoyed together or separately. Exploring the reef can be enjoyed as a family, or kids can learn by doing on an excursion led by professional guides.

SUP at Glover’s Reef

5. Unplug and Allow for Time Apart

Our Belize trips travel off-the-beaten-path to special and remote pristine locations. WiFi and cell service is limited, so take this opportunity to unplug from technology and go play on the reef and in the rainforest, reconnecting with your family.

Balance time together with time away from the group. This could be a simple as joining a sunrise yoga session at our Glover's Reef or Lighthouse Reef Basecamp or relaxing in a hammock while the kids head out for some Belizean handline fishing with the guides. After separating for a morning or an afternoon, everyone is excited to reconnect in the evening and share their experiences.

Hammock time...

Are You Planning A Multigenerational Family Vacation to Belize?

Let us help you plan your Belize trip. All our trips include accommodations, ground and boat transfers, equipment, delicious meals, professional guided instruction and daily activities. Children's pricing is available on all trips. 

Contact one of our Belize travel specialists at 1.800.667.1630 or email info@islandexpeditions.com for more information.

Related Links:

5 Tips for Organizing a Family-Friendly Belize Itinerary

A Guide to Planning a Belize Family Vacation

5 Reasons Why Lighthouse Reef in Belize is a Great Family Vacation Location for Spring Break

5 Best Places for a Family Friendly Adventure Vacation to Belize

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