fbpx The Blue Hole Snorkel, Belize 2016 – Robert Belshe | Island Expeditions

The Blue Hole Snorkel, Belize 2016 – Robert Belshe


We wanted to share some great images of snorkeling the Blue Hole, taken by our guest Bob Belshe.  Bob and his family joined us on the Lighthouse Reef Adventure in mid-February.  

On day 4, the group headed out to the Blue Hole to snorkel the wonderful clear waters of the Lighthouse Reef Atoll. The snorkeling excursion to the Blue Hole is a highlight for many of the guests on our Lighthouse Reef trips.  Thank you Bob for sharing these beautiful photos!

Heading out to explore the Blue Hole
Heading out on the motor boat to the Blue Hole

Snorkelling at the Blue Hole
Bonnie and Pat at the Blue Hole

Coral at the Blue Hole Belize
The beautiful clear waters at the Blue Hole

Coral at the Blue Hole Belize
Exploring the marine underworld

Soft corals are spectacular at the Blue Hole
Soft corals are spectacular at the Blue Hole

Clear waters at the Blue Hole

Experiencing the beauty and uniqueness of coral reefs through snorkeling

Snorkelling at the Blue Hole
Vibrants colours - The Blue Hole is ranked one of the top ten dive sites in the world 

Fish at the Blue Hole
Tropical fish and spectacular coral formations

Rock Beauty, one of the four species of angelfish at the Blue Hole
Rock Beauty, one of the four species of angelfish at the Blue Hole

Preparing to return from the Blue Hole
Preparing to return from the Blue Hole

Sunset at Lighthouse Reef
Watching the sunset from the Lighthouse Reef Basecamp on Half Moon Caye

Sunset at Lighthouse Reef
A beautiful evening after a day of adventure

The tents at Lighthouse Reef Basecamp
The beach tent cabanas at the Lighthouse Reef Basecamp

Thank you Bonnie and Bob
Bonnie and Bob - thank you for sharing your wonderful photos!

You can view Bob's complete photo album of the Blue Hole snorkel and his stay at the Lighthouse Reef Basecamp here.

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