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Creating our newest Belize & Mexico Brochure

The fall colours are reaching their peak in southern Canada, crisp, bright sunny days and cool nights are the norm. At times it feels  strange after spending hours  poring over images of the tropics, lush greens, turquoise waters and bright sand cayes to step outside into the colours of Autumn.  Producing our newest brochure we are striving to capture the essence of Belize and the Southern Caribbean coast of Mexico, through images of the land and sea and of course the people. It's tempting to show only the very best images, the classic  tropical images that are so appealing on a dreary winter day but usually that fails to embrace the heart of a place so expect to see images that are perhaps a little quirky, or not so polished as you flip through the pages of our newest brochure.  We are looking forward to having our latest Adventure Guide ready for you just when we welcome an infusion of new colour, images and great ideas for adventure and vacation in warmer climes.   Tim Boys Expedition Director


IE blog

Paddling the Moho River
Epic Belize - Sharing Your Travel Stories

We wanted to share some favourite memories from our guests who joined us on the Epic Belize trip from last season. 

Southwest Caye, Glover's Reef Belize
Glover’s Reef, Belize In Photos

Enjoy these images and insights from Glover's Reef Basecamp captured and shared on Instagram



Kayaking Belize
Belize Vacation Planning: Multigenerational Travel Tips

Many of our past guests would agree that some of the best family memories are formed from multigenerational vacations, shared with grandparents, siblings, children and extended family.  

Jaguar Belize
The Government of Belize Commit to Protecting the Maya Forest Corridor

In June, a group of conservation organizations issued a joint statement to congratulate the decision by the Government of Belize to enact legislation to protect the Maya Forest Corridor. 

Glovers Reef Belize
Belize Instagram Recap - Photos from our 2018/19 Belize Trip Season

We love to see our guests out there sharing their moments and memories of Belize. We wanted to share a few of our favourite guest Instagram photos of the past season. 

Family Vacation Belize
A Guide to Planning a Belize Family Vacation

School is out for the summer, but it's never too early to think about a family vacation over the Christmas holidays or other important holiday times. Plan now, relax later.