fbpx Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary: Birding in Belize – Robert Belshe | Island Expeditions

Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary: Birding in Belize – Robert Belshe


We wanted to share these beautiful bird images taken at the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary by our guest, Bob Belshe.  Bob and his family stayed at Birds Eye View Lodge at Crooked Tree on our Lighthouse Reef Adventure in mid-February 2016.  

The Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the best birding destinations in Belize. The sanctuary was established in 1984 by the Belize Audubon Society and is comprised of 16,400 acres of lagoons, creeks, swamps, broadleaf forest and pine savanna. This is a great place to see bird species such as the Heron, Muscovy duck and the Jabiru stork — the largest flying bird in the Western Hemisphere.

We visit the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary on our Lighthouse Reef Adventure trip and the Maya Reef Explorer trip during Expedition season (December to April).  We also visit Crooked Tree on our Maya World Adventure which is available year-round.

Vermillion Flycatcher
Vermillion Flycatcher

Rufus Tailed Hummingbird

Rufus Tailed Hummingbird

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

Boat billed heron
Boat billed heron

Osprey, in local resident extra white colors

Black collared hawk
Black collared hawk

Great Black Hawk
Great Black Hawk


Green heron
Green heron

Little blue heron
Little blue heron

Birds Eye View Lodge Belize

Birds Eye View Lodge, Belize

You can view Bob's complete photo album of the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary here. Thank you Bob for sharing these beautiful photos!

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