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Belize Barrier Reef

Earth Day 2019: An Update on Our Environmental Sustainability Initiatives in Belize

Earth Day 2019: An Update on Our Environmental Sustainability Initiatives in Belize

Glover's Reef Belize

In the lead up to Earth Day on April 22, 2019, we wanted to share updates on some of the steps we have taken towards improving environmental sustainability practices in Belize throughout our operations.

  • Recycling Stations are now available at all our Belize lodges, Basecamps and offices. 
  • Reusable shopping bags and containers are now used for shopping and transporting items to our Basecamps and lodges.
  • All guides and staff riding boats have been issued quality orange raincoats that will be printed with “Belize Adventure Group Crew”. These will replace the one time use garbage raincoats.
  • Guides will be mandated to own and use only a refillable water bottle.
  • Straws are no longer provided in drinks at Bocawina Rainforest Resort although some remain in stock and are only provided when a customer requests it – until the stock is depleted.  
  • We included a sustainability workshop at the staff training in November. We continue to educate and encourage all our staff to join us in this mission and commit to being more environmentally responsible.
  • Removing plastic water bottles from Bocawina waterfall rappelling and off-site tours.
  • Providing biodegradable soap through dispensers at our Basecamps and at Tobacco Caye.  
  • Using our own reusable food containers when ordering food into the office for lunch on work days.
  • Purchasing serving dishes with lids to replace the use of saran and foil wraps when serving guests.

Let’s all do our part in eliminating plastic waste and using environmentally sustainable practices. 

When you travel to Belize (or anywhere in the world), you can help protect the environment by taking simple steps such as:

  • Bring your own water bottle
  • Use biodegradable soap
  • Use biodegradable sunscreen 
  • Bring a re-useable shopping bag
  • Say no to plastic!
  • Eat local produce and drink locally brewed beer - carbon friendly options

Planning a trip to Belize?

Call 1.800.667.1630 or email: info@islandexpeditions.com and learn more about our trips to Belize. 

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