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Mayflower Bocawina National Park Belize

The Government of Belize Commit to Protecting the Maya Forest Corridor

The Government of Belize Commit to Protecting the Maya Forest Corridor

Jaguar Belize

In June, a group of conservation organizations issued a joint statement to congratulate the decision by the Government of Belize to enact legislation to protect the Maya Forest Corridor. 

The group of organizations includes the Global Wildlife Conservation, Panthera, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and World Wildlife Fund, alongside The Belize Zoo, Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and Field School, and the University of Belize and it’s Environmental Research Institute.

The Maya Forest Corridor has vital social, ecological, and economic significance not just to Belize, but to the greater Mesoamerican region. The corridor is home to many important and endangered species including the jaguar, river turtle, spider monkey and Baird’s tapir, among many other animals that require a connected forest to move across their habitat in search of food and breeding opportunities.

Congratulations to the Government of Belize and NGO partners for their commitment to the protection of Belize’s forests and wildlife.

The full press release and can be read here.

Watch the video below to hear Dr. Omar Figueroa, Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration, speak about the importance of the Maya Forest Corridor. 

Are you looking to visit the Maya Mountains of Belize?

Bocawina Rainforest Resort is located in the heart of the Mayflower Bocawina National Park, surrounded by the Maya Mountains.  Discover the indigenous birds and wildlife of 7000 acres of untouched, tropical rainforest. Guided activities at the resort including zip-lining, waterfall rappelling, hiking, birding and horseback riding.

Our Rainforest & Reef Explorer trip combines our two favourite off-the-grid locations - Bocawina Rainforest Resort and Tobacco Caye Paradise. Embark on a journey that takes you from the pristine tropical rainforest of Mayflower Bocawina National Park to a secluded island in South Water Caye Marine Reserve on the Belize Barrier Reef.

For booking details and any questions, please call 1.800.667.1630 or email info@islandexpeditions.com


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