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Holiday Trip Planning - Travel Tips and Ideas for A Belize Adventure Vacation

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With summer over and the kids back at school, things can get pretty busy.  If you are contemplating a vacation over Thanksgiving, Christmas or even Spring Break, now is the time to start planning!  The tropical rainforests and reefs of Belize can be a wonderful alternative to spending the holidays at home.

Here are 6 travel tips and ideas for a Belize Adventure Vacation for the Holidays.  

1. Embrace A Different Way to Celebrate the Holidays

While traditional celebrations at home can be wonderful, traveling to a different country during the holidays can be an enriching and memorable experience.  Take some time to read about local customs and traditions so you can immerse yourself when you get there. During the Christmas and New Year holidays the local Garifuna community of Dangriga takes to the streets to enjoy the Jankunu and Charikanari dancers.  The celebrations, dancing and drumming at this time of the year is one of those undiscovered secrets of Belize.

2. Plan Ahead & Book Early

Trip spaces for the key holiday dates fill up quickly.  If you are looking to travel over Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring Break, plan ahead and book early to avoid disappointment.  Booking flights early can also ensure you get a great fare with the dates that work for your travel plans.

3. Research to Find the Perfect Trip

Spend some time researching the type of trip you want to take.  How active do you want to be?  Do you want to move from destination to destination?  What are the interests of your family or travel partner?  

Our Lighthouse Reef and Glover’s Reef Adventure Basecamp trips offer the most flexibility in terms of guided daily activities, and families and couples or mixed abilities can do things together or separately.  The Ultimate Adventure trip over US Thanksgiving is perfect for those looking for an active, adventurous vacation that encompasses the best of Belize.

4. Pack Smart

We have done the thinking for you with our detailed planning and packing check lists.  These lists are a great resource for all the essential items you need for your Belize Adventure vacation.

5. Allow Extra Travel Time

Traveling during the busy holiday season can be unpredictable, particularly  in regions where winter weather can be an issue.  Allow extra time to get to the airport and arrive at the airport early.  Take advantage of your airlines mobile app to know the flight status, changes to the departure gate or flight time, baggage tracking and airport terminal maps.  

6. Unplug and Be Present for the Holidays

Our trips make it easy for friends and families to unplug and reconnect. The Basecamps at Glover’s Reef and Lighthouse Reef do not have Internet or cell service (we do have a satellite phone for emergencies).  Enjoy time socializing, sharing stories of the day’s adventure or take some ‘me time’ in a hammock with a good book.

If you go:

Call 1-800-667-1630 and get trip planning ideas and advice from one of our Belize Adventure Specialists.  Our Paradise Islands trip is a lodge to lodge paddling and snorkeling adventure in Southwater Caye Marine Reserve on Belize’s Southern Barrier Reef.  The Glover’s Reef and River of Caves and Lighthouse Reef Adventure are Adventure Basecamp trips - popular with families, couples and solo travelers. Our 3 day/2 night Maya World or Rainforest Canopy Extensions can be booked for any date and are great additions to any trip.

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