fbpx Introducing our Guides Corner... | Island Expeditions

Introducing our Guides Corner...

We've just created a 'Guides Corner' on our blog - a place where we'll share thoughts, stories and findings from the field, and an opportunity for you to know your guides a little bit better.

Our leaders love to share their stories, and take great pride in making your travel experiences as enjoyable as possible.   With backgrounds as biologists and teachers, photographers, fishermen and explorers, our trip leaders and guides bring unique perspectives and invaluable insights into the areas and cultures where we travel.

Our first contributor will be Jack Wilde, one of our trip coordinators based in Belize.


Meet Jack Wilde
Jack has been leading trips on the sea for over two decades. A marine biologist with a lively curiosity with all things to do with the sea, he has gained a reputation as an exceptional teacher in the field. Jack is an accomplished sea kayaker and wilderness guide and is admired for his easy-going style and unflappable way of dealing with whatever comes his way.

More to follow...


IE blog

Kayaking Glovers Reef
Perceptive Travel - Tim Leffel "Kayaking Around Specks in the Ocean in Belize"

We're delighted to share this article which appeared recently in the Perceptive Travel online magazine.

Norm Hann: Paddling with Passion in Belize
Norm Hann: Paddling with Passion in Belize

Norm Hann, one of North America’s leading stand up paddleboard (SUP) instructors will be joining us again this winter in Belize for the Coral Islands SUP trip and an all-new trip for this season on the Glover's SUP Adventure and Skills Camp.

Celebrating Garifuna Settlement Day in Dangriga Belize
Dangriga, Belize - Celebrating Garifuna Settlement Day

This weekend in the coastal town of Dangriga, (where our Belize office is located), there will be lively celebrations on every street corner.  The weekend will be filled with parades, live music, drumming, dancing and traditional Garifuna food.

Glovers Reef Belize
Visiting Belize in November

November is a wonderful month to visit Belize. Although the rainy season still lingers in early November, by the end of the month the dry season has often arrived. 

CheChem Ha Caves Belize
Announcing a New Belize Trip Experience: Cayo Caves & Temples Extension

Experience the rich Mayan history and allure of the unspoilt areas of Western Belize on this new trip itinerary.

Belize Yoga
2018/19 Belize Yoga Dates at Lighthouse Reef and Glover’s Reef Basecamps

Join us for yoga sessions at our Glover’s Reef and Lighthouse Reef Basecamps this winter. An experienced yoga instructor is available throughout the day.