fbpx Invasive Lionfish sighted on the coral reefs of Belize | Island Expeditions

Invasive Lionfish sighted on the coral reefs of Belize

We have had many recent sightings of the invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish on the coral reefs of Belize. We have seen them in great numbers at Glovers Reef as well out at Lighthouse Reef. We are asking that if you see these species, while out snorkeling or diving, please let your guides know, and they can pass it on to the fisheries department.

These fish have no natural predators in the Caribbean, so their numbers have increased dramatically over the last few years. According to the NOAA website, "due to their population explosion and aggressive behavior, lionfish have the potential to become the most disastrous marine invasion in history by drastically reducing the abundance of coral reef fishes".

Click here for more information on this ongoing issue...


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