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Island Expeditions Beauty of Belize Photo Contest - Announcing the Winners of The People’s Choice Awards

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We were captivated and delighted with all the incredible photographs that were entered into the 2016 Beauty of Belize Photo Contest. We received 345 entries, and encourage you to check out this collection of inspiring photographs that encapsulates the ‘Beauty of Belize’.

Explore all of the Beauty of Belize Photo Entries 

We are excited to announce the top three photographs in The People’s Choice Awards.  The winners in this category were based on the photographs entered with the most votes.

Our photo-judging panel has also selected the winners of the Island Expeditions Choice Awards, and we will be announcing the Grand Prize, 2nd and 3rd place prizewinners in the coming weeks.


The Top 3 Photographs of the People’s Choice Awards:


1. Pat Manfredo captured the photograph with the most votes. “Peaceful Sunset” revealed the intense and beautiful colors of the sun setting over the Caribbean Sea. 

Peaceful Sunset

Photo and caption by Pmspike/Island Expeditions Beauty of Belize Photo Contest

“Peaceful Sunset”


2. With the second most votes was “Peaceful Hopkins on a perfect morning” taken by Christin Mackling. The photograph shows the beautiful endless white sand beach at the Garifuna Village of Hopkins.

Hopkins Beach

 Photo and caption by Cmdancer/Island Expeditions Beauty of Belize Photo Contest

“Peaceful Hopkins on a perfect morning”

3. Suzette Sears Baird entered this fascinating photograph “Monkey Love” which had the third most votes. The photograph was taken deep in the jungle while Suzette was making her way to the Maruba Resort Jungle Spa. Suzette described the photograph as “an unforgettable moment of the true nature of Belize.”

Monkey Love

Photo and caption by Suzette Sears Baird/Island Expeditions Beauty of Belize Photo Contest

“Monkey Love”

We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success!

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