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Island Expeditions Offers Experienced Paddlers the Opportunity to Develop Personalized Kayaking Adventures

Personalize your Belize vacation by developing a private Belize kayaking expedition.  As an experienced paddler, one can organize a self guided Belize kayaking expedition for a small group of friends by renting kayaks and the necessary gear from Island Expeditions Co. Departing from the small coastal town of Dangriga, individuals or groups can outfit themselves for a self-guided sea kayaking adventure.  Single and double expedition-ready sea kayaks are available for rent from Island Expeditions November to May.     Sea kayaking in Belize is much more than just a paddling journey unlike many other destinations.  Kayaking in Belize is the perfect mode of transportation for those looking to snorkel the thousands of coral patch reefs that lie hidden like jewels along the Belizean coastline.  The silent mobility of the sea kayak enables paddlers to intimately explore the remote palm and mangrove islands, untouched coral reefs and abundant tropical marine life in a way that few others have a chance to experience.  The ability to comfortably and safely explore above and below the water is what makes paddling in the tropics such a remarkable and memorable adventure. All Belize kayak rentals, which Island Expeditions has been offering for 25 years, include a kayak, spray-skirt, paddle, bailer, sponge and individual PFD (personal flotation device).  Choose a rental package and IEC will also include a hotel night on arrival in Dangriga, a boat charter to get the group, kayaks and gear out to the reef islands, water bags and other gear. Full camp equipment outfitting and snorkel gear is also available for rent. With 25 years of experience kayaking in Belize, Island Expeditions is able to assist in developing an itinerary perfect for your group.  About Island Expeditions Co. Island Expeditions also offers fully guided tours for those who do not have the experience or time to develop their own itinerary.  All fully guided Island Expeditions’ Belize trips begin with a pickup upon arrival at the International Airport in Belize City. Prices include all meals, accommodation, transportation within the country, guides, group equipment and all activities. This private small group tour is open to everyone, including families with children, while no previous experience is required to participate. For additional information on Belize kayak rentals, fully guided Belize vacations or to receive a free copy of the 25th Anniversary Island Expeditions Co. Belize & Yucatan Adventure Guide, please call 1-800-667-1630 or visit the website at: www.islandexpeditions.com.

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