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Jaguar Cubs Born at Milwaukee Zoo Bring New Genes

This Dec. 16, 2012 photo shows two baby jaguar cubs born at the Milwaukee County Zoo in November. Jaguars are an endangered species. Stacy Johnson, coordinator of the jaguar species survival plan for the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, said heir birth was a big deal because their father was born in the wild and brings new genes to zoos. This Dec. 16, 2012 photo shows two baby jaguar cubs born at the Milwaukee County Zoo in November. Jaguars are an endangered species. Stacy Johnson, coordinator of the jaguar species survival plan for the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, said heir birth was a big deal because their father was born in the wild and brings new genes to zoos.

Check out this fascinating article that shares the story of two baby jaguar cubs born at the Milwaukee Zoo in November. Their father, Pat, was a healthy wild cat  that once roamed  the jungles of Belize.  This large male cat developed an unfortunate habit of predating on domestic cattle and thus became a part of the Belize Zoo's innovative Problem Jaguar Rehabilitation program   Pat, being one of the first jaguars to enter the program was quite a celebrity in Belize before coming to Milwaukee in 2008.

 Jaguar Cubs Born at Milwaukee Zoo Bring New Genes


Island Expeditions has been working with and supporting the Belize Zoo's conservation efforts since 1991.  Our Glover's Reef & River of Caves  adventure puts you inside the inner workings of the first-ever of its kind wild cat rescue program and involves up-close encounters with the jaguars.


How tourism can work in partnership to support conservation and wildlife biology




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