fbpx A NEW YEAR ....AND A NEW TRIP. Island Expeditions Announces its new Belize Rainforest Canopy Extension | Island Expeditions

A NEW YEAR ....AND A NEW TRIP. Island Expeditions Announces its new Belize Rainforest Canopy Extension


The Rainforest Canopy Extension - a 3 day zipline, hiking  and waterfall adventure

 The Mayans believe that 2013 marks the dawn of a new era - what better time for us to launch a new adventure that drops you into the remote Mayan  rainforests of Southern Belize!

We invite you to check out our brand new  Rainforest Canopy Extension which travels completely off the grid into the southern Maya Mountains.   Your destination -  a  true eco-lodge nestled deep in the jungles of the 7000 acre Bocawina Rainforest Reserve.  We love this place, surrounded by lush broadleaf canopy and cascading waterfalls.  Home to abundant wildlife; black howler monkeys, ocelot, coati, paca and kinkajou.

Experience the magic of early mornings in the Bocowina, with treetops engulfed in mist and the  musical chatter of close to 200 species of tropical birds awakening the rainforest.

This trip includes a journey through the rainforest canopy on Belize's longest zipline, and a guided hike through the surrounding jungle to unexcavated Mayan ruins.  We also give you plenty of free time to explore the nearby waterfalls, forest  trails and Mayan ruins...or sign up for optional rapelling tours of Antelope or Big Falls.

On this exciting three day extension, we show you the area's highlights, then give you plenty of  unstructured time to experience the magic of Bocawina!  The 'Rainforest Canopy' combines easily with our two trips that end in Dangriga - Paradise Islands and  Glover's Reef and River of Caves.



















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