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Supporting Communities in Belize – Santa Teresa


We learned a long time ago that when we hire a guide from a small village, we are hiring a family and supporting a community. We have grown deep roots during our 30 years in Belize and our commitment to the community has inspired us to create support programs.

Santa Teresa Program
One of our goals is to support basic education in the jungle village of Santa Teresa located in the Toledo District of Belize. We visit this remote Mayan village on our Ultimate Adventure and Wild South trips. Santa Teresa Village has a population of approximately 330 and we support this village by providing funds, supplies, computers and solar power. 

Santa Teresa Belize

Santa Teresa Village

Employing Local People

We also employ local people from the villages and use local Mayan guides to lead the trips through this area. Guide Pedro Sho is one of our long term guides from Santa Teresa. He has worked with us for over 16 years now. Pedro is intimately familiar with the land, waterways (he is a master white-water guide) and people of southern Belize. Other guides from Santa Teresa include Mario Chub and Vanancio Aclz. 


Guide Pedro Sho
Guide Pedro preparing breakfast at the Moho River camp on the Ultimate Adventure trip


When we visit Santa Teresa we are hosted for lunch by a local village family.  A different family hosts the lunch on each of our departures, allowing this cultural experience to be shared amongst the villagers.  We also take time to walk through the community, checking out the tiny primary school and simple village store.  

Donation Gifts

Guests on the Ultimate Adventure and Wild South trips often like to bring gifts to distribute to local families in the villages.  Items can be new or second hand as long as they are in good condition.  The gifts are given directly to the village leader for fair and equitable distribution throughout the community.  Backpacks for school, shoes (smaller sizes), cleats, soccer balls, pens and pencils, pencil holders, exercise books, and reading books are practical and always needed items.   

Children in Santa Teresa

Local children in the village of Santa Teresa 

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