fbpx Tired of Winter.......Come Experience Lighthouse Reef Atoll this April, Following in the footsteps of Jacque Cousteau | Island Expeditions

Tired of Winter.......Come Experience Lighthouse Reef Atoll this April, Following in the footsteps of Jacque Cousteau

Tired of winter?  Looking for a unique adventure vacation?  Have you considered spending April in Belize?  Island Expeditions Co (IEC) is offering sea kayaking and snorkelling vacations to the Lighthouse Reef Atoll in Belize, made famous in 1972, by Capt. Jacque Cousteau and the crew of the Calypso when they explored and filmed the incredible beauty of the Lighthouse Reef Atoll, helping make it known as a world class snorkelling and scuba diving destination. Island Expeditions is celebrating its 25th Anniversary specializing in Belize vacations and are offering  7 day / 8 night trips to the world famous Lighthouse Reef.  IEC partnered with the Belize Audubon Society seven years ago to establish the first Adventure Basecamp on Half-Moon Caye Natural Monument within the Lighthouse Reef Atoll, part of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996. All IEC Lighthouse Reef vacations begin with an inland journey to the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary allowing time to explore Belize’s oldest Creole Settlement.   You partake in a boat tour through the Crooked Tree lagoons to experience the incredible birding and wildlife opportunities the area has to offer, including iguanas, turtles, ibis’ and Morlet’s crocodiles to mention a few frequent sightings. Upon departing the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, this tour heads to the coast of Belize to board the boat charter to Lighthouse Reef.  While at the Half-moon Caye Basecamp you stay in safari-style ‘tented’ cabanas, each with its own deck, with deck chairs and a superb ocean view at your door step.  The sheltered lagoon at Lighthouse Reef harbours one of the world’s most diverse sea environments with an extensive community of fish, shellfish and patch reefs.  Each day’s activities include kayaking, snorkelling, fishing, swimming, exploring the island or relaxing in a hammock amongst the palm trees with a good book – the choice is yours.  While snorkeling you are likely to see grouper, bonefish, angel and parrot fish, stingrays, conger, moray eels, goatfish and 3 different species of turtle, just to name a few.  Around the island there is ample opportunity to view a diverse range of sea-life and tropical birds.  Many species of birds nest on the Caye, including a 4,000 strong red-footed booby colony for which the Audubon Society has built a series of viewing platforms to intimately observe the many nesting sites. About Island Expeditions Co. (IEC) The best part of all IEC trips is that ‘no previous experience is necessary to participate’.  All Island Expeditions Belize vacations begin with a pickup upon arrival at the International Airport in Belize City.  Prices include all meals, accommodation, transportation within the country, guides, group equipment and all activities.  All IEC trips are guided by professional North American and Belizean leaders. Other sea kayak and snorkel trips along the barrier reef and atolls are also offered.  Lighthouse Reef Trip – 7 days/8 nights Departing April 4, 10, 16 and 25, 2011 $1789.00  For more information or to a receive free copy of the 25th Anniversary  Island Expeditions Co. 36 page Belize & Yucatan Adventure Guide, please call 1-800-667-1630 or visit the website at: www.islandexpeditions.com.


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