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Tracking Turtles at Glover’s Reef Research Station, Belize


The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) runs the Glover’s Reef Research Station . This amazing research station is located on the Middle Caye, just one island away from our Glover’s Reef Basecamp.

As part of our Glover’s Reef trips we paddle over to the research station for the day to show our guests the important work that the WCS conducts.  The station provides a platform for scientists to perform cutting edge research at one of the Caribbean’s most complex and important coral reef systems. 

Glover’s Reef Research Station

Arriving at the dock of the research station 

We thought you may enjoy finding out about one of their current projects – Tracking Turtles in Belize.  In collaboration with the Belize Fisheries Department the WCS conducted its in-water turtle survey back in the spring. Eight volunteers from Google assisted in the survey.  This year a total of three adult hawksbill and one green sea turtle were fitted with satellite tags to track their long-range movement. Other data collected from the turtles included weight, size and tissue samples. 

Glover’s Reef Research Station at Middle Caye

Glover’s Reef Research Station at Middle Caye

The objectives of the monitoring program include increasing knowledge of sea turtle movement and habitat use, studying growth rates of sea turtles at Glover’s Reef and assessing the genetic stock of the foraging sea turtles. 

Paddling back to the Glover’s Reef Basecamp

Paddling back to the Glover’s Reef Basecamp

We hope you enjoy the video below from Glover’s Reef Research Station about the turtle tracking program.

Tagging Turtles for satellite tracking in #Belize

Satellite tagging love for turtles, Wildlife Conservation Society and some Google volunteers.

Posted by Glover's Reef Research Station on Friday, 30 May 2014


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