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The Wildlife Conservation Society - An Introduction to President and CEO Cristian Samper

samper   The Wildlife Conservation Society recently appointed Cristian Samper as its President and CEO.  We thought you might enjoy this introduction to Cristian Samper; the accompanying video gives you a glimpse into his passion for saving wildlife. Cristian is an international authority on conservation biology and one of the world's best advocates for wild animals and wild places. The Wildlife Conservation Society runs the Glover's Reef Research Station at Middle Caye, and is an active force in conservation efforts throughout Belize. The Wildlife Conservation Society: An Introduction To Our New President and CEO Dear Friend of Wildlife, A boy growing up in the tropics becomes a student of nature. As a field biologist, he devotes himself to saving the places he loves. Today, Dr. Cristián Samper, our new president and CEO, is one of the most effective advocates for wild animals and wild places in the world. Dr. Samper is a scientist and an international authority on conservation biology and environmental policy. Get a glimpse of his passion for saving wildlife in this new video, which features some awesome footage of his newest "colleagues" at the zoos and in the wild (yes, some have fur and four legs). Meet Cristián Samper – check out this video: With Dr. Samper at the helm, we're poised to tackle the toughest conservation issues of our time and make sure we're preserving the world's most threatened species and wild places. Together with your help – as advocates, members, zoo and aquarium visitors, and supporters – we're going to accomplish great things in 2013 and beyond. Sincerely, The Wildlife Conservation Society The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild places worldwide. We do so through science, global conservation, education and the management of the world's largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo. Together these activities change attitudes towards nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in harmony. WCS is committed to this mission because it is essential to the integrity of life on Earth.  


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