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Planning & Packing for Belize

General Packing Tips

Essential Information that you need to review prior to your departure

Essential Information that you need to review prior to your departure

When traveling to Belize it is best to travel with one larger check-in bag and one carry-on bag. Soft luggage works best; Backpacks can work too; do try to avoid large suitcases.  These bags are easy to move around, easily fit in boats, small planes, and van/bus roof racks. 

 When packing your carry-on try to include what you would need to be comfortable in Belize your first few days in case your checked baggage is misrouted by the airline. Check with your airline for weight restrictions and carry-on allowances.

While on tour our staff will instruct you on how to prepare for travel between locations and we will provide storage for extra bags when necessary and for certain tours.

We recommend you have one small waterproof bag (approximately 10-20 liter size) for your documents, camera, phone etc., that you can carry while on motor boats, in the cockpit of your kayak and if it rains.

Electronic equipment (cameras, phones, etc) must be fully waterproofed, especially on boat rides.  

When preparing for motorboat travel we recommend you pack your clothing in plastic bags inside your duffle bag. Luggage is stored in a water-resistant area on boats, but is not 100% waterproof and thus we recommend extra waterproofing.

See your specific trip packing list for specific trip tips.