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Dawn's Yoga Gypsy Lifestyle - Dawn Jex. "Belize & The Island of Lost Boys"


We are delighted to share this wonderful article from one of our guest yoga instructors, Dawn Jex. Dawn joined us last February at our Glover’s Reef Basecamp. She shares her experience of staying at Glover’s Reef and teaching yoga, beautifully in this post.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! 

We will be offering daily yoga sessions with certified instructors on select Glover’s Reef and Lighthouse Reef dates.  For more information and dates visit the Belize Basecamp Yoga page.

Belize & The Island of Lost Boys

Dawn's Yoga Gypsy Lifestyle - Dawn Jex, February 18, 2015

As I sit in my RV, swaddled by my electric blanket, sipping a cup of hot tea, I can hardly believe that I am already home from my trip to Glover’s Reef in Belize. It seems like a dream – a glorious, warm, fun, playful dream. I’ve only been back for a day and I’m already cold. It’s not easy to go from 85 degrees to 54 today! I’m also not fully home yet. My body is here but my brain is still tingling with all of the wonderful sights, sounds, tastes and sensations that I experienced over the last two weeks. It’s difficult to come back to “real” life after you’ve been somewhere as wonderful as Glover’s Reef.

Conch Belize

Glover’s Reef  is located 36 miles off the coast of Belize out from Dangriga.  It’s everything you would imagine: beautiful white sandy beaches, azure water, palm trees, delicate breezes and amazing fish and corals. Hammocks slung between coconut trees, time slows down, happy hour at 5 o’clock every night and meals full of fresh fruit, fish, fry jacks and rice and beans. People smile in greeting and are happy to see you.

Glovers Reef

Even though it is beautiful, the first week on Glover’s was difficult for me. Because the island is remote there is no wifi there. I had a hard time not being able to text my boyfriend for reassurance or just to tell him about my day. Eventually I realized I needed to let go of my frustration and just be. BE present – DUH – it’s what I teach in my yoga classes all the time! BE present, be in the moment – you’re on a beautiful island out in the Caribbean Ocean – take it IN – feel it, taste it, smell it! Stop worrying about “back home” and be right here, right now OR YOU”RE GOING TO MISS IT!!!!! There’s nothing like that moment when the teacher becomes the student! So I settled in and began really seeing the Island around me.

Just about that time the lost boys showed up and the Island began to hum and come to life in a new way with the energy they brought with them  The lost boys – as I call them – are a fun-loving group of guides who live their lives in real time. There is no pretense with them. They are there to live in the outdoors, play in the water, take you snorkeling, kayaking, sailing and fishing and ignite your love for adventure and exploration!

Spencer is the wild haired young gymnast from Vancouver B.C. who can pop into a handstand with seemingly no effort. He scampers along the slack line, turns around 180 degrees and comes right back. He has boundless energy and loves to engage the clients in conversation. I was amazed by his endless patience. I Imagine him as peter pan, hands on hips, crowing to the moon.

Yoga Basecamp Belize

Cappy (short for Capistrano) is the proud Mayan native who loves his country, his land, his heritage and the ocean. He is a fearless slayer of lionfish – an invasive species in Belize, an incredible diver, a powerful leader and a man with a definite plan for his future! He leads trips all over his country and is a force to be reckoned with.

Jason comes from the Garifuna people of Belize and he is the bright shiny one of the group. Jason is constantly happy, smiling, has something nice to say and wants everyone to have a good time. You can hear his laughter all the way across the camp and the sound makes your heart sing! Just seeing him come down the way with his bright white smile and bouncy dreads lets you know it’s going to be a good day!

Jaime is a little older than the others but not by much. Jaime lives and breathes nature. He is the essence of outdoor guru. He can lead you via kayak down a river, set up a tent camp, cook you dinner and probably even tell you all of the constellations overhead. As a fellow yoga practitioner he can also show you a righteous Ashtanga flow! His New Zealand accent and bawdy humor add to his charm.

Kelly is the resident fly fisherman. Kelly has his blonde curly hair corn rowed by a girl from the neighboring resort and brings with him the ever present sounds of Reggae music. He embodies the calm and patience of walking along the Atoll waist deep in water with the rhythmic pull and cast of fly fishing just for the heck of it – no hurry just be, breathe, cast, wait, feel the tug, reel them in then let them go again. He moves his hammock each night to the best location so he can sleep in a light breeze.

And then there is Mr. B. Bernaldo is the camp manager. He is kind, welcoming, always patient with everyone and this Island and Atoll are his home. He has been there for 9 years now and he loves to show us his world. He invites us in to see the beauty of the corals, fish, ocean, island and country. He is full of knowledge and does anything that needs doing. He leads snorkels, answers questions on the phone, drives the boat to neighboring islands to pick up ice and gasoline, welcomes all the guests and even makes the beds after everyone leaves. He is everywhere, does everything and makes this place feel like home for all who visit. He even let me plant my own coconut tree!

The thing is – these guys aren’t really “lost” boys. They know exactly who they are and what they are doing. They are living their lives fully connected to reality. They know who they are and they shine their light for all to see! They are wild and free and glorious to watch and I want to be just like them!

Yoga Basecamp Belize

I know that my experience at Glover’s was meaningful for me. I went there to teach yoga in exchange for room and board and I came away with so much more than I bargained for. I learned that I have a family there and that I am welcome to come back. I learned that letting go of discomfort allows for growth. I learned that my childhood (moving all the time) prepared me for this yoga gypsy lifestyle and I learned that being prepared still does not make leaving easier. It’s hard to become attached to people and a place and then have to leave – even for a traveler, gypsy, vagabond yogi.

Dawn Jex

So if you get a chance, go to Glover’s Reef in Belize. Visit Southwest Caye and say hi to the the guys for me. And then do yourself a favor, turn off your cell phone and plug in to the energy there. Let the guides show you beauty. Let Philipe and Diana feed your soul, Let Mr. B make you feel at home. I promise you will get much more out of the experience if you practice being present. Let time slow down. Walk around barefoot, get up early for the yoga class and let yourself BE a part of the island.  Namaste Y’all.

IE blog

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