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snorkeling Belize, Central America

Island Expeditions Blog

The latest news from the field, and from our company

Island Expeditions Blog: Notes from the Field

The latest news from the field, and from our company

WestJet Magazine - Diane Bolt "Exploring Archaeological Sites in Belize with Dr. Jaime Awe"

We were thrilled to see this article featured in the November 2018 issue of the inflight WestJet Magazine. 

Blue Hole Belize
Exploring the Bottom of the Great Blue Hole, Belize

History was made on Dec 2, 2018 when multiple submersibles dove to the bottom of the deepest sinkhole in the world, the 407ft/124m deep Blue Hole in Belize.

Kayaking Glovers Reef
Perceptive Travel - Tim Leffel "Kayaking Around Specks in the Ocean in Belize"

We're delighted to share this article which appeared recently in the Perceptive Travel online magazine.

Norm Hann: Paddling with Passion in Belize
Norm Hann: Paddling with Passion in Belize

Norm Hann, one of North America’s leading stand up paddleboard (SUP) instructors will be joining us again this winter in Belize for the Coral Islands SUP trip and an all-new trip for this season on the Glover's SUP Adventure and Skills Camp.

Celebrating Garifuna Settlement Day in Dangriga Belize
Dangriga, Belize - Celebrating Garifuna Settlement Day

This weekend in the coastal town of Dangriga, (where our Belize office is located), there will be lively celebrations on every street corner.  The weekend will be filled with parades, live music, drumming, dancing and traditional Garifuna food.

Glovers Reef Belize
Visiting Belize in November

November is a wonderful month to visit Belize. Although the rainy season still lingers in early November, by the end of the month the dry season has often arrived.